Cute Pomodoro

productivity timer and task tracker

About the Project

Cute Pomodoro is a simple productivity app for Windows. It features a “pomodoro” style clock to time your work, and little paper notes to track all your tasks.

It is designed to feel more tactile than a simple app, with smooth animations and sound effects for most of your actions.


  • Cute art and satisfying sound design
  • Playful interactables
  • Save system to store your tasks

Development Tools

The game was made in Godot 4.3. I used Freesound to source the sound effects, Audacity to edit them, and Krita to draw the images.

Development Process

The project idea started when my boyfriend said his post-it notes kept falling from the wardrobe he stuck them on. He didn’t want to buy a whiteboard yet so he thought of making the notes in digital form, and I ran with that idea. His task tracker system to help with ADHD is similar to a Kanban board, but also features some notes for rewards, which are drafted after each task is completed.

I started the project on a weekend after coming home from a party, by Sunday I had notes working, and by Monday the timer and save systems were working too. I may have overworked myself but it felt really fun and a nice change of pace from the projects I was doing before.

I also posted WIP videos on my Bluesky account.


The source code for Cute Pomodoro is available over on this Github repo.